Saturday, 17 September 2011

Pizza party and rugby in the rain...a perfect day!

This morning I got up and ran through Greenwich Park. Absolutely wonderful! It was so nice to run in a new place, with so much to look at and lots of other people, nodding "good morning" as they ran past me. I loved it! It was sunny and mild; an all around great way to start my day.
Got back to the house and cleaned up, then walked to the bottom of the hill with Mum, Dad, Matt and the kids. Matt decided to take the kids to the park and I went along with M & D to Greenwich market. We walked along the river and saw some sights I remember from my childhood. The Cutty Sark, the Trafalgar Hotel, the Thames. A lovely stroll with my parents pointing out some of their favorite spots. Got to the market and wandered about looking at all the booths. Made me nostalgic for Korea. We used to go to the market all the time there. We found a man selling the most delicious treats. They were churros rolled in sugar and then filled with dulce de leche and chocolate. So much for that morning run.
Walked back through the park and met up with the kids and Matty and then headed home. My Auntie Maggie was due to pick us up at noon. She arrived and we headed to a pizza place to meet the whole gang. Eden was so excited to meet all her cousins. Once everyone arrived it was very obvious that these guys were all going to become fast friends. It was quite a gang with my cousin Sam and wife Jo, their four kids Andre (8 1/2), Lewis (7), Leon and Tamsin (5), Jakes wife, Louise and their two girls, Sasha (4), and Olivia (2), friends Jeanie and Martin and then of course the six of us. what a party!

Once the lunching was done we walked over to the Old Colphian's rugby club for an afternoon of sport.

A really nice club with an awesome clubhouse. We all stood around the pitch with our pints and kids ran around playing touch rugby on the sidelines.

Just before the half the skies opened up and we ran for cover in the clubhouse with the kids. They continued to giggle and play like they had known each other all their lives. It was so much fun to watch.

Most of the guys stay out in the rain and watched the remainder of the game. Colphian's win 20-18!
A little cold and wet, we climbed back into Maggie's car for a lift back to the flat. Warmed up with a cup of tea and then Maggie, Jeanie and Martin headed out. We spent the rest of the evening recalling the day with the kids, working on journals and just relaxing. Loved seeing all those beautiful children today playing and laughing together. I sure hope they get to do it again very soon!

Tomorrow our adventures in London begin. This city has no idea what is about to hit it! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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