Sunday, 11 September 2011

An afternoon at the seaside.

Sunday. I woke up with a sense of calm. Day of rest. Yes, no run this morning. Matt was equally thrilled although he still rose early to watch the Ireland vs USA rugby match. I cuddled Noah in bed instead. I love Sundays.
Once we were up and moving we decided the weather was far to wonderful to waste and headed to the coast for an afternoon at the seaside. It is a fair way so we stopped at a pub for Sunday Dinner. Roast lamb, pork or beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and veggies. Gorgeous! That is a tradition I could most definitely get used to. And of course a pint to accompany all of it.
We moved on and arrived at about 2pm at Robin Hood's Bay. This place was awesome! A village perched on a the side of a hill overlooking the North Sea.

We strolled down the steep road to where the water meets the land. There is a beach that was shrinking rather quickly by the time we got to it but still managed to wander the rocky shore for a little over an hour, collecting shells and admiring the view that was every which way you looked.

There was was wonderful moment when Matt lifted the kids off the concrete walkway onto the sand and then offered to piggy back Mum down as well. She hesitated for a moment but then realized it really was the only way. What a photo op! One for the albums for sure.

It was mild and the salty smell if the water was refreshing. Dad told me that it is the smell of a happy childhood for him. That made my heart smile, knowing I was getting to share the memory with him.

Once it became obvious that the tide was chasing us off the rocky shore below the cliff, we made our way back up the hill, stopping for an
ice cream along the way.

We left Robin Hood's Bay and made for home. I dozed little in the car but was not exactly shocked to find we had stopped for another pint about half way home. According to Dad, it was Matt's idea and "who as he to argue"? Matt has taken a real shine to this part of the English culture. He enjoys breaking up his day with a quick pop into the pub for a pint and a chat. I think by now he has tried every beer in Yorkshire!
The kids enjoyed the seaside today and are well tired and sound asleep. I am not far behind. All that salty sea air really takes a lot out of you.

So...until tomorrow...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Sounds like a perfect afternoon! Still missing you like crazy, Cecilia counts down the days on the calendar every night. Looking forward to tomorrows adventure.

  2. Sean is going to have to work hard to top piggybacking the mum-in-law!
